Enroll Today!

Enroll today to help us in our pursuit of continuous improvement.

Frequently asked questions

  • Q: What is a User Research Panel?

    A: At Skyward, we live and breathe user feedback. We like to collect feedback and information in multiple ways. Being involved in our panel will provide the opportunity to work with us collaboratively throughout our development process. Below are some typical user research studies you could be involved in:

    Online surveys: Collecting your thoughts and insight through an online survey
    Interviews: Speaking with you to better understand your roles and responsibilities
    Usability Testing: Working with a prototype or design to test if you can successfully complete tasks or scenarios
    Diary Studies: You would be provided a diary to record your thoughts over a period of time
    Field Studies/Observation: Visiting you for observation and discussion to understand your roles and responsibilities

  • Q: What does it mean to be on a User Research Panel?

    A: As a member of our User Research Panel, you will be contacted when a research opportunity arises that matches your background and interests. We'll ask you to share your ideas and review our designs to ensure that we are delivering an intuitive and efficient experience. While there is no guarantee that the concepts you work on with us will be reflected in the software you use, we can assure you that your feedback will go a long way toward helping us shape the future of Skyward technology.

  • Q: What happens when I sign up?

    A: By signing up to be on the User Research Panel, you will be added to our private participant database. Your contact information will not be used for any purposes except to notify you of research studies. Entry into the User Research Panel does not guarantee participation in our research studies. You may not hear from us right away but don’t worry, you’ll be on our list so when a research opportunity comes up that matches your background and interests, we will contact you.

  • Q: How often will you contact me?

    A: We will contact you depending on how often studies occur and which types of users we are looking for. You can participate as much or as little as you’d like.

  • Q: How do I update or change my information once I've signed up?

    A: Email your requests to userresearchpanel@skyward.com and we will update your information.



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