Up-to-Date Compliance

Our state reporting specialists have developed close relationships with state agencies throughout the country to ensure our team knows about changes well ahead of time.

Your reports will be ready when you need them and you'll have plenty of time to review and verify those that are most critical to you.

Our alignment with popular interoperability and data standards such as Ed-Fi, SIF, and ADT will reduce turnaround times and help you transition from multi-day reporting to just a few short hours.


Up-to-Date Compliance

Our state reporting specialists have developed close relationships with state agencies throughout the country to ensure that we know about changes well ahead of time.

Your reports will be ready when you need them and you'll have plenty of time to review and verify those that are most critical to you.

Our alignment with popular data standards such as Ed-Fi, SIF, and ADT will reduce turnaround times and help you transition from multi-day reporting to just a few short hours.


Federal Data Collection and Submission

The Civil Rights Data Collection report is coded directly into your Skyward solution, along with other reports required by various federal agencies.

Added value for your team:

We hold regularly scheduled webinars and open hours sessions on both federal and state reporting topics to keep your staff informed and confident.

See upcoming events

Case Studies

State Reporting Done Right
Seminole County Public Schools Florida Florida
Workflow and Integration
Center Grove Community School Corporation Indiana Indiana
See more state reporting case studies: Browse the library


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