Kansas District Switches to Trusted ERP Provider

Hays USD 489
Enrollment: 3,000

Case Studies > Kansas District Switches to Trusted ERP Provider

When it’s time to search for a new product, where do you turn to for advice? Whether you’re buying new shoes or new software, odds are you’re going to trust reviews from other customers.

Hays USD 489 in Hays, Kansas did just that. When it was time for a new Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, they turned to references from other districts to help solidify their decision. Chris Hipp, assistant superintendent of business services, helped oversee Hays USD’s switch to a more modern and streamlined ERP with Skyward Qmlativ.
Time for a change
Prior to implementing Skyward’s Qmlativ, Hays USD struggled with manual entry for various tasks in their business office.
“We did not have a process for position management,” said Hipp. “Our HR and payroll systems weren’t automated, so all of our paper timesheets had to be manually entered for every classified staff for every payroll.”

Hays USD knew it was time to speed up processes in their business office, and started looking at other systems. A major factor in this decision came as a result of references from current Skyward business districts.

“Before landing on Skyward, we did look at a couple of other systems that were more suited to businesses than school districts,” said Hipp.

"“It really came down to talking with other districts who use Skyward for their business needs that sealed the deal for us.” "

Ultimately, Hays USD chose Skyward’s Qmlativ for its ability to eliminate their paper timesheets and manual entries.
“The big value that we saw with Qmlativ is that it provides position management, and that there is a direct link between HR, payroll, and accounting,” said Hipp.
Getting started with Qmlativ
When it came time to implement Qmlativ, Hays USD were careful to take their time before jumping in.
“We spent just as much time planning as we did installing,” said Hipp. “Without all of that, our implementation would not have worked out the way that it did.”

With help from Skyward’s project management team, Hays USD had a smooth transition to Qmlativ ..
“It was great — we had a consistent implementation specialist and project manager helping us along the way,” said Hipp. “They were able to bring in experts when we needed more detail in certain areas, which helped a lot.”
Hays USD officially went live with Skyward in July of 2021.

“Nothing worth doing is easy,” said Hipp. “This was a very long and detailed process, but the benefits are beginning to show.

Now, with Qmlativ ERP, Hays USD has greatly improved processes in their business office.

"“We were able to update our system, but also use the system to update, modernize, and streamline district processes.” "

In the future, Hays USD is looking forward to continuing to automate and create efficiencies by implementing additional modules that Qmlativ ERP has to offer.

For other districts considering switching to Skyward, Hipp suggests planning ahead as much as possible.
“Be sure to think and plan out account coding convention, as well as the position and assignment naming conventions,” said Hipp. “Also, I suggest talking with other districts that have gone through the process to find out what they wish they would’ve done differently, and apply that advice where needed.”
Skyward and Hays USD look forward to continuing to improve processes and save essential time in the busy business office.

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Choosing your next SIS and ERP provider is an important decision. So, what sets Skyward apart?

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