You are the single most important factor in your child's education. With Family Access, you can play an even bigger role in the learning process.
Online Registration How would you like to register your child for the next school year without having to send in paperwork or stop by the office? Learn how in this 60-Second Power-Up!
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Power-Up: Absence Requests If your child won't be in school, you can let the office know via your mobile app. Learn how in this 60-Second Power-Up!
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Power-Up: Calendar Use your Family Access calendar to stay on top of your child’s important dates and reminders – from tests and due dates to field trips and sporting events. Learn how in this 60-Second Power-Up!
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Power-Up: Career Plans With Career Plans, you can monitor your child's progress toward graduation and work together to create a long-term curriculum plan. Learn how in this 60-Second Power-Up!
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Power-Up: Food Service Don’t play ketchup with lunch accounts. Once you’ve mustard Family Access, keeping track of balances and purchases will be a piece of cake. Learn how in this 60-Second Power-Up!
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Power-Up: Grades With Family Access, you can get an up-to-date look at your child's grades, upcoming assignments, progress toward graduation, and more... Learn how in this 60-Second Power-Up!
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Power-Up: Messaging With the social media-inspired message center in Family Access, you can stay in touch with teachers, coaches, and administrators. Learn how in this 60-Second Power-Up!
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Power-Up: Mobile Food Service Payments How convenient would it be to load your child's lunch account right from your phone? Now you can, with Family Access. Learn how in this 60-Second Power-Up!
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Power-Up: New Student Online Enrollment Get your new school experience off on the right foot by enrolling your child online through Family Access. Learn how in this 60-Second Power-Up!
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Power-Up: Parent-Teacher Conference Scheduler Parent-teacher conferences should be a no-hassle, no-sweat process. Now, you can use Family Access to view teacher calendars and reserve a time slot that works for you. Learn how in this 60-Second Power-Up!
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Power-Up: Push Notifications Sign up for push notifications and receive an alert for everything from missing assignments to food service balances. Learn how in this 60-Second Power-Up!
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When it comes to the importance of family involvement, don't take our word for it. Learn more about the statistics, research, and resources on the topic here.
Our Commitment to Privacy We know how important it is to keep your child's data private. Click here to read more about what that means.
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Do you have a question about Family Access? Before you reach out to your child's school, take a look at the answers to some of our most frequently asked questions.
A: Great question! Each school district has a unique login portal, and most of the districts we work with have a link to their Family and Student Access portal on their website. Additionally, you may have received a link in your back-to-school communications. If you still aren't having any luck, please contact the school office directly – the designated Skyward contact at your district will be able to point you in the right direction.
A: For security purposes, we do not have access to your account information. If you need to reset your login credentials, please use the “Forgot your Login/Password?” prompt on your district’s Skyward login page. After doing this, you will receive an email that will allow you to reset your forgotten account details. If you are still unable to reset your username or password, your school's staff will need to be involved in recovering your account login credentials. Please connect with the designated Skyward contact at your district for assistance.
A: Please reach out to your school or your district technology office for prompt assistance. The designated Skyward contact at your school has the ability to remedy the issue and submit a service call when needed, allowing for the quickest possible resolution. Many of our customers have set up unique security configurations and display settings, and because we do not have access to these configurations or your individual account, there is very little we can do on our end.
A: Our team regularly uses input from Skyward users like you to help determine product updates and new features. We'd love to hear your feedback! Talk to your Skyward administrator about submitting a Request for Enhancement or make your voice heard by signing up for our User Research Panel here.
A: Because every school district is different, there may be times when certain areas of Skyward are not visible or not available to you. Please reach out to the designated Skyward contact at your school with any questions or suggestions you have regarding the features available within your Family Access portal.
A: The fact that you're here tells us you're taking a proactive approach to your child's education. Way to go! Recent studies have shown a direct correlation between parent involvement and student achievement, attendance, and behavior, from kindergarten through graduation. Our only advice is to keep doing what you're doing - parent involvement typically drops off during the high school years, but sometimes that's when it can have the greatest impact.
A: We'll do our best to help! Click here to send us an email.
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