Before migrating to Skyward Qmlativ in 2021, Midlothian ISD was mired in the "way it's always been done" regarding data. They quickly found themselves amidst inconsistencies and unreliable processes. Beginning the migration to Qmlativ allowed the district to start ensuring that they were collecting and using data most efficiently and effectively to serve their students best.

The MISD systems team knew that to create efficiencies for the district that could last well into the future, they could not take any shortcuts. The team immediately began documenting step-by-step instructions for every district process during the migration to Skyward, including how they process enrollments, identify and code special programs, and how and when they run and review attendance audits.

The district now houses these detailed steps in its online district information management system and attendance handbooks for everyone to access. They are continuously improved and updated in real-time. They are a reference for training, guide the district's daily work, and ensure state compliance and consistency in Midlothian's student data. While it was a tremendous undertaking, it was a natural extension of the migration process to examine and document systems and processes in the student information system and beyond.

Midlothian ISD embarked on deep data dives in Qmlativ to examine at-risk coding this year. After digging into historical records and finding some interesting patterns, the takeaway from the process was that different people at the table hold pieces of valuable information about students, but this information was not previously housed in one place. When the data was collected and shared in one place, it created a clearer picture of how to serve students best. Qmlativ was a vital tool for easy navigation through student details so that all of the work was completed within the software.

Midlothian ISD has undergone a massive transformation from the beginning of the migration to now. There have been a lot of hours, hard work, and service calls, but now they can take great pride in the system they have built.

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