Kathy Reynolds’ title may be “database coordinator,” but perhaps a more appropriate one would be “database superhero.”

She certainly came to the rescue of Owen J. Roberts School District in 2013. When she started in her position, the data in the district’s SIS was in disarray. Kathy brought order to the data and, to ensure such disorganization would never occur again, created helpful guidelines for the staff. Now, she prides herself in keeping the data accurate, up to date, and secure. She also hosts group training sessions and provides individual training and support, instilling in the staff her philosophy: “Treat data like it’s your own child’s.”

Kathy has used Skyward to streamline district processes, connecting the SIS with the cafeteria, transportation, and the district’s LMS. In addition, the district has come to affectionately call Kathy the “Queen of State Reporting” due to her proficiency in submitting state data. Over the years, Kathy has become the leading support person for the district and beyond. But despite her hard work, she still manages to fit in assisting with miscellaneous tasks, such as scheduling, summer school, and cafeteria monitoring. According to her coworkers, she is always eager to assist in any way she can, asking, “What do you need? How can I help?”

Kathy has received the PASBO David L. Nett Regional Chapter Leadership Award for her role as president of the Eastern Pennsylvania IT Data Managers. She has also been nominated for Data Quality Network’s Data Governance Award of Excellence.

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