Dr. Chad Jones led Lamar Consolidated ISD, a district with over 33,000 students and 40 campuses, through their implementation of Skyward. Determined to make the process as simple as possible for everyone, Chad and his team created hundreds of video-based resources so their staff could access training anytime, anywhere, and learn at their own pace. Thanks in large part to Chad’s leadership, the Lamar CISD implementation is renowned across the state of Texas as a model of efficiency.

Chad has helped his district’s administrators, leaders, and teachers use technology to dive deeper into tracking student progress. He also made standard processes faster and less costly by going paperless. Chad spearheaded the “Paperless First Day,” an initiative that involved all 2,100 teachers taking attendance digitally through Skyward on the first day of school. In addition, Chad led the transition to paperless for several forms (beginning-of-year and new student registration), which resulted in less data entry hours for all the campuses.

Chad has also taken his Skyward knowledge and expertise and expanded it to the greater Texas education community. He created training materials to help over 2,500 instructional personnel across Texas onboard Skyward and learn to use it more effectively. He frequently shares his knowledge at the annual Texas Skyward User Group (TSUG) and is the man behind the annual Lamar CISD Teaching Through Technology (T3) Conference, a technology meet-up where educators from Lamar and neighboring districts share ideas on how to use technology to best meet the needs of 21st century learners.

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