Big changes came to Stephenville ISD’s Skyward solutions in the past year, and Darby West Hernandez stepped up to guide their successful implementation. The district added transportation support for students on bus routes and food service tracking for free and reduced lunch. Darby and other district staff built aligned career pathways and enhanced the process of tracking and reporting student transfers to administrators and parents. 

Throughout the process of implementing and streamlining these new solutions, Darby gave key input, shared information, trained staff, and listened to feedback. Her colleagues trusted her to find solutions, especially with regard to managing the movement of data between systems. Her support was invaluable this year as staff transferred existing information from Skyward to a new learning management system. Under her supervision, redundancy was kept to a minimum and data can now be accessed on multiple platforms.

Darby maintains a strong network of Skyward peers. The management of Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) data, which ranges from student demographics to finance information, also keeps her in close contact with fellow educators in Texas.

“Darby has been a problem solver and key consultant in controlling redundancy of effort in moving already captured data to new platforms,” remarks Deborah Hummel, executive director for finance and operations.

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