Brian Adesso, the director of business services at Menasha Joint School District, always thinks outside the box. He never does something a certain way because that’s how it’s always been done; instead, he seeks ways to improve.

Brian’s willingness to try new things can be seen in the decision to switch from SMS 2.0 to Qmlativ before any other district in the state of Wisconsin. He busied himself with learning the workings of Qmlativ, then taught district employees how to use and navigate the modules. Because of his hard work, the payroll, accounts payable, and reporting processes are now paperless and much more streamlined. With his help, the district also saved money by tracking assets without the help of an outside vendor; using the Skyward asset module, they can see their status in real time. Even beyond his district, Brian is an active member of the Skyward community and is willing to offer recommendations to Skyward on ways to improve the product.

Brian’s ideas are always thoughtful, from moving administrative offices to a new building to finding better and more affordable ways to take care of students and the community. His district has a high poverty rate, and Brian constantly looks for ways to enhance students’ education and lives. During the stay-at-home period of the pandemic, Brian arranged for all students to have internet access at their homes so they could connect their district Chromebooks.

Brian was awarded the Menasha Joint School District Distinguished Service Award for his dedication and willingness to help within and outside the district.

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