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Leslie Strong Leslie Strong Director of Product Owners
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Leslie is responsible for the alignment of our strategic vision with the finished product you see in front of you. Her team of product owners work diligently to translate user needs into tangible development projects, then see those projects through to completion and future iteration. Leslie's articles are typically focused on raising awareness of new Skyward updates and enhancements.

Leslie Strong

Skyward Insider Recent Articles by Leslie Strong

Skyward Updates – Summer 2018
What new Skyward features await you in the coming school year? Let's take a look!  by Leslie Strong
Skyward + Clever = Good for Kids
More educational apps are available than ever before, but complex and disparate systems make it hard to embrace the benefits. Enter Clever, Skyward’s newest K-12 partner that simplifies and secures the integration of your students’ data. by Leslie Strong
View more Skyward Insider articles by Leslie Strong

AK12 logo Recent Articles by Leslie Strong

Change Management for K12 Districts
Change is coming. Learn a framework to launch district projects poised for success. by Leslie Strong
Where Have All the Subs Gone?
Schools around the country are facing a dire shortage of substitute teachers, and the causes are as diverse as the solutions. by Leslie Strong
Hand-Picked: Tips for Hiring
Ah, the hiring process... It can be time consuming, difficult, and inconvenient. But it’s also one of the most important elements of a successful school district. Here are some tips to keep in mind as you look to fill those open positions for next year.  by Leslie Strong
View more Advancing K12 articles by Leslie Strong

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