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Introducing the Careers of the Future Quiz Introducing the Careers of the Future Quiz

Introducing the Careers of the Future Quiz

by Emily Katz
Emily Katz Emily Katz Futuristic Fortune Teller
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The world changes fast. 

Your service in the education leadership field is invaluable, but it’s always fun to discover a new way to use your talents. 
That’s where the Careers of the Future Quiz comes in. This personality quiz offers fun insight into where your skills would fit best if you were job-hunting 30 years from now (let’s hope not, amiright?). Now, it’s hard for us to even conceive of what the workforce might look like in the coming decades, but we used a few methods to predict what might be useful to society. 🔮 

You may notice a common theme: STEM is the name of the game! We reckon the careers of the future will all feature technology in some way or form. 🤖 
Whether you’re looking for insight about your personality, hoping to validate your favorite skills, or just need a fun teambuilding activity, this quiz is for you. 
↪Take the quiz 

Follow-up resource: More fun quizzes

Do you know your edleader personality type? What about your edtech career path? Find out today!

Emily Katz Emily Katz Futuristic Fortune Teller

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