Preparation creates safer schools

Leaders are poised to act swiftly and appropriately if an emergency occurs. How confident are you in your crisis planning? Here's how to improve your district's preparation.


These three Indiana school districts use data to keep students safe.

Ensure each guest is welcome and accounted for.
Keep student information quickly accessible.
Gather anonymous tips about security, bullying, drug use, and other threats.

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Know exactly who's visiting your schools.

Visitor Management Made Easy

Visitor Management Made Easy

How well do you really know the visitors who are granted access to your hallways, classrooms, and students? Technology can ensure guests are welcome.

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Amping Up Your School Security

Guest Post: Amping Up Your School Security

In the event of a crisis, how can you be sure each and every person is safe and accounted for?

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Skyward helps us keep students safe with speed and accuracy—the two most important factors during an emergency.

-Jacque Deckard, Morresville School Corporation



Provide services to address student's mental health.

Mental Health

Who is Responsible for Mental Health?

Less than half of students who are struggling get the services they need. A school social worker and psychologist explain how student mental health care can happen across all levels of your district.

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A June 2019 ASCD poll showed 61% of readers believe mental health supports are most effective in preventing school violence.



There's no substitute for planning, preparation, and safety drills.

Crisis Communication Plan

5 questions to guide your crisis communication plan.

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Crisis Management Plan

We interviewed a school liaison officer and devised action items for creating your crisis management plan.

Read the full article >


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