From Point and Click to Qmlativ: Illinois District Evolves Alongside EdTech Provider

Dekalb CUSD 428
Enrollment: 6,664

Case Studies > From Point and Click to Qmlativ: Illinois District Evolves Alongside EdTech Provider

Dekalb CUSD 428 transitions to Skyward’s Qmlativ, keeping a 25-year history growing strong.

For Dekalb CUSD 428 in Dekalb, Illinois, the year 1999 wasn’t filled just with bucket hats, Ricky Martin, and The Matrix on rerun — it was the start to a thriving relationship with their new edtech provider, Skyward.

Ben Bayle, director of technology at D428, has seen the district’s progression with Skyward since nearly the beginning, from Point and Click (PaC) through their current endeavor: the migration to Qmlativ.

"Thankfully, Skyward has been so helpful in their support since the start."

Path of Progress

When D428 first implemented Skyward, things looked very different than they do now.

“Skyward back then was very much a standalone product that required us to terminal into a whole stack of servers that we had to maintain,” said Bayle. “I used to have to carry around a 3.5 inch floppy disk to install those terminal services.”

D428 started with the student side of the software, then eventually added the finance side, among other tools. As the district’s need grew, Skyward grew as well, and the floppy disks took a back seat.

“As time went on and our diverse district’s needs increased, we really learned the importance of data, and how interoperability amidst various programs can help support student learning,” said Bayle. “Skyward has become much more robust over the time to match our needs, especially with data passing between systems. The more accurate and readily available our data is, the quicker we can make changes when needed, and the better we can increase student engagement and learning.”

Other aspects of Skyward that kept D428 loyal to Skyward included their commitment to cybersecurity, and solid support.

“In terms of security, it truly is a daily battle with nation state actors, which is really infuriating,” said Bayle. “Thankfully, Skyward has been so helpful in their support since the start. Even on the weekends, in an emergency I can always count on getting help.”

Although happy with SMS 2.0, D428 was ready for the next steps with Skyward.

"For one, seeing the security enhancements in Qmlativ was a game-changer."

Coming to Qmlativ

It’s hard to say if the timing for change is ever truly perfect, but for D428 a couple factors aligned to make timing for Qmlativ nearly perfect.

“We had many people in our retirement pipeline that had been using Skyward for decades, and losing that institutional knowledge would’ve been a deficit for us,” said Bayle. “Our district also received some funding that helped make implementation possible.”

While the timing was essential, for D428 it was important that the decision to switch to Qmlativ was backed by the entire district.

“For us, this wasn’t just a technology decision — this was a district decision that involved explaining why we need Qmlativ and why it needs to happen now,” said Bayle. “While some of the decision came from retirees and funding, it was truly a universal decision at the cabinet executive level, including our superintendent, that this is the right choice for our district.”

Qmlativ on the horizon, it was time to announce the news to the rest of the district.

“This implementation will affect all staff, so we were careful to communicate early and often,” said Bayle.

With the decision made and communication set, Bayle and the rest of the district were excited for what Qmlativ could offer their district.

"Skyward is truly a one-stop shop for districts, and it’s been cool to see how things have evolved over time."

“For one, seeing the security enhancements in Qmlativ was a game-changer,” said Bayle. “We can now mitigate liability with cloud-based hosting, so now we’ll be able to offset some of our security concerns. The interface change is also exciting, and we look forward to exploring the dashboard features.”

D428 is currently implementing Qmlativ for the 2024/2025 school year, and finding support from Skyward to be key.

“Our implementation has been slow but steady,” said Bayle. “The biggest hang up is that we are a larger district with large departments, so getting everyone on the same page can be a bit difficult. However, we’ve had access to the training base for hands-on learning, which has been very helpful. Our project manager has also been delightful and is quick to answer any questions that we have.”

As implementation wraps up, D428 is ready for what lies ahead.

“The 2024/25 school year will be a fresh start for everyone, and that is very exciting,” said Bayle.

Looking ahead

For other districts interested in switching their edtech software, Bayle suggests making sure that the decision is backed by the entire district, and prioritizing communication.

“Start at the executive level, but since the decision will affect everyone, ensure that updates and information get to each and every employee,” said Bayle.

Skyward and D428 look forward to finishing their Qmlativ implementation and begin the district’s next journey towards modernization.

“We kind of grew alongside Skyward,” said Bayle. “Skyward is truly a one-stop shop for districts, and it’s been cool to see how things have evolved over time. We are excited for another 25+ years with Skyward!”

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