
What does it really mean?


Leadership takes many forms. But underlying all its forms and styles, leadership is about taking initiative and showing—not just telling—people how to achieve the goals you share.

How is leadership defined at your district? Check out the resources below to learn about some methods you can implement to better meet the needs of those you lead.

"The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change. The leader adjusts the sails.”

– John Maxwell, author and speaker


Steps toward success:
Leadership practices

Looking for some practical steps you can take toward
stronger school leadership? Look no further.

Teaching our Teachers: The Value of Teacher Mentorship Leaders aren’t born; they’re made—and mentorship is one of the most effective ways to help teachers become stronger leaders. Find out what one veteran teacher has to say about the role mentorship plays in an educator’s success. Read more
Where Is the Middle Leadership in Our Schools? Most companies have several levels of leadership and a clearly defined chain of command—but in schools, why does an entire teaching workforce often report to one principal? Discover how a middle tier of leadership could benefit your teachers, principals, and students. Read more
4 Strategies to Manage Educator Empathy You can’t lead well if you’re not well yourself. When empathetic educators focus so much on keeping their spirits up to care for others, it can lead to burnout. Here’s how to stay healthy. Read more
The 4 Stages of Filling Big Shoes What's more difficult than following in the footsteps of a local legend? Grab the torch and run with this four-step blueprint. Read more


Poor leadership costs 7% of a company's annual sales.


You may not be selling anything, but what could poor leadership be costing your students? Your employees? (Discover more statistics here.)

Poor leadership

The big picture:
Leadership philosophies

The way leadership is exercised has a major impact on
employee satisfaction and student success. Check out
these tried and true leadership strategies.

Design Thinking for School Leaders What does it mean to be a “visionary” leader? Here's what happens when design thinking gets applied to three common school scenarios. Read more
Leading Different Generations in a School District When leading multiple generations, it’s important to strike balance between recognizing differences and keeping everyone focused on the same goals. Learn how you can better lead a generationally diverse body of employees. Read more
Defined Autonomy: A Proven Approach to EdLeadership Defined autonomy is about empowering leaders to take ownership of their work and use their own judgment, allowing superintendents to focus on spearheading the culture and mission of their districts. Learn how your district can benefit from this approach! Read more
Guest Post: A Different Approach to IT Leadership The best quality in a leader isn’t always book knowledge; sometimes, it’s people knowledge. Hear about one tech executive’s unconventional path to IT leadership and how a student-focused culture shift has energized her district. Read more


Leaders take initiative.
Here's your chance!

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