Simplify Purchasing
with Amazon Business

Streamline your district’s purchasing and recordkeeping processes while still enjoying all the benefits you’ve come to love from Amazon. Thanks to Skyward’s E-commerce and E-invoicing integration with Amazon Business, you can stock up on your Amazon purchases and save time avoiding manual billing without ever leaving Skyward.

Contact your sales rep to learn more


A better way to buy

Here are some of the benefits you’ll enjoy with the Amazon Business-Skyward integration:

  • Access to millions of products, some of which are only available to businesses, including school districts
  • Tax-exempt purchases through the Amazon Tax Exemption Program (ATEP)
  • Multi-user accounts
  • Streamlined approvals
  • One-step requisitions
  • Tiered administration and multi-level workflow approval tools
  • Punchout for eProcurement
  • Purchase options through a competitively solicited cooperative contract (OMNIA, formerly known as U.S. Communities)
  • Visibility into spending trends
  • Manage every step of your purchasing process
  • Review and approve invoicing
  • Avoid manual entry and paperwork
  • A quicker invoice solution


"If teachers can’t get their supplies, or they’re backlogged trying to get books, it’s the kids who suffer. Amazon Business has helped us put an end to that and refocus on our mission."

-Julie James, Director of Business and Finance, College Place School District

Read the case study

Start your setup today!

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