Free up instructional time, explore new approaches, and identify actionable trends.

  • Custom seating charts and student pictures make it easy for teachers to learn who's who
  • Real-time student counts by district, building, or classroom
  • Parents will receive notifications when classes are missed
  • Design your own messages and attendance intervention letters
  • Dashboard includes visualization of attendance trends by school, or district
  • Maximize funding by ensuring accuracy
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Attendance screen shot

Related content

Hold parents accountable


Incentives for students, interventions for parents, and a hard line in the sand. What works and what doesn't in the quest for better attendance?

Improve transparency for all


Get a sneak peek at how students will use Skyward to stay on top of their attendance history. Because accountability starts with awareness.

Watch: Attendance History Power-Up

  Attendance taking with Skyward is easier than in any other software we have used. It is very easy to audit each six weeks of attendance and correct any discrepancies found.  ”

Sue Pike, technology coordinator, Deer Park ISD, TX

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