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Results for "social media"

Surfing the Social Media Waves

Social media is here to stay. How can students stay aware of best practices to stay safe while exploring the richness of social connections across the globe?

Social Media and School: A Unique Opportunity

Here's how to lead a safer social strategy in your district.

5 Tips to Help Students Stay Safe on Social Media

Social media is a great way for students to connect with one another—but there are plenty of challenges around privacy, safety, and cyberbullying. What can you do to make sure kids are practicing online safety? Here are five important tips.

Social Media Checklist: Parent Engagement Made Easy

Learn strategies to optimize your school social media accounts and increase parent engagement.

The Quest for Social Media Authenticity

Have you ever wondered how to be more authentic and honor your role as a district administrator while posting on professional social channels? Here's a primer.

8 Social Media Accounts to Learn From

Social media is essential for school PR and communication strategies. Learn from 8 examples of districts using social media well.


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