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Results for "social media"

Technology is Transforming Special Education

Special education and grade-level classrooms alike can benefit from investing in accessible technology.

The 5 Most Popular Articles of 2017

Stand out from the crowd by turning theory into practice with Advancing K12. Featuring blogs, videos, guest posts, and more from the intersection of technology, culture, and leadership.

Hand-Picked: Tips for Hiring

Advancing K12 Blog: Ah, the hiring process... It can be time-consuming, difficult, and inconvenient. But it’s also one of the most important elements of a successful school district. Here are some tips to keep in mind as you look to fill those open positions for next year.

Leaders, Spark New Joy

School culture is so precious, and sets the tone for learning every day. Here's how administrators can cultivate joy in classrooms and coaching sessions.

Who is Responsible for Mental Health?

Every adult in the school district is responsible for student wellbeing—so what happens when mental health is at risk?

6 Roles Technology Can Play in the Hiring Process

Can technology make hiring easier?


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