One-Page Pitch: Data Security One-Page Pitch: Data Security

One-Page Pitch: Data Security

Erin Werra Erin Werra Pitchmaster
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The Advancing K12 One-Page Pitch Series aims to help team members lead from within. We’ll package up big topics into a comprehensive, concise pitch ready to deliver to stakeholders. 

This month we are exploring data security. It’s no secret that cyber threats are sharply rising. As districts grapple with how to protect their student data, there are specific types of threats they can anticipate and protect against. 

The best way to secure your district’s data is to talk about being a good steward of your network and systems. Invest in training and promoting a culture of strong data security. Here’s how.

OPP data security

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Erin Werra Erin Werra Pitchmaster
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