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Results for "social media"

Data Legislation in Review via the Data Quality Campaign

Data legislation helps keep student data safe. Find out what has and hasn't been passed and proposed as far as data privacy in K12 schools.

How Much Tech is Too Much Tech?

Technology is great, but look to the data and find middle ground to keep it from becoming a distraction.

Battling Unseen Causes of Chronic Absenteeism

Transportation, clothing, and more can keep students out of class. Help these unseen causes of chronic absenteeism.

Vetting Apps Across the District

What should teachers watch out for when downloading classroom apps? These 6 FERPA related flags can lead the way to safer digital experiences.

School Librarians Make a Difference

School librarians are heroes to some kids. They represent an additional opportunity to support students with positive adult relationships. They share representation. They're development experts. And they bridge tech skills.

Is Email Dying?

Is email the first place families and staff go to communicate? Maybe not. Let's explore the new generation of communication tools.


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