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Results for "social media"

9 Donations Schools Love but Communities Forget About

Donations of time or materials are much appreciated. Learn specific ways to help K12 schools and students.

What K12 Leaders Can Learn from 80s Movies

What can K12 leaders learn from 1980s movies? Mentorship matters, behavior tracking might not always tell the full story, invite different folks to join your team, and always root for the underdogs.

Midyear Check-In: 2021 Conversations

What's happening in the news around K12 education? Check out what's happening with our changing education landscape, equity, and healthy schools

Playing Catch-Up with Student Behavior

When students are recognized for developing soft skills, you'll see the impact of recognizing good behavior. Track the data in your SIS. Here's how.

Midyear 2020 Conversations Check-In


11 Ways Schools Can Reach Out to Families

Learn some high-tech methods for keeping in touch with students and families during the 2020-21 school year and beyond.


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