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Results for "social media"

Midyear Check-in: 2023 Conversations

What's happening in the news around K12 education? Check out what's happening with learning loss, teacher retention, and data security in K12 schools.

4 Essential Security Features for Your Business Office

Learn four simple ways you can protect your school business office from business email compromise attacks from Skyward's VP of Info Security Mike Bianco.

5 Good Things the Pandemic Revealed in Schools

What wins have you discovered over the past year? Reflect on increased engagement and choice, cherishing school, design thinking, quick pivots, and more.

Evaluate Edtech Use and Save Thousands

How do you measure efficacy of applications? There's a few steps to ensure you catch all the apps and can determine which are worth continuing investing in.

The Impact of Technology on the Homework Debate

Explore the pros and cons of moving homework to online spaces. What helps kids and what hurts? The answer is elusive.

Beware These 5 Threats During COVID-19

Hackers don't let up, even for emergencies. Protect your network, be careful transferring files, beware surveys and prize offers, and model security to students.


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