Infographic: How to Spot Burnout from 10,000 Feet Infographic: How to Spot Burnout from 10,000 Feet

Infographic: How to Spot Burnout from 10,000 Feet

by Casey Thompson
Casey Thompson Casey Thompson Digital Media Manager
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A Gallup poll from early 2022 shows K12 workers have the highest rate of burnout in the entire US workforce at 44% (52% for teachers specifically). 

While the reasons for this could (and do) fill libraries with analyses, K12 leaders do not need another addition to their reading list. Instead, skim along and learn how to spot burnout before it consumes another educator. (And please don't forget to look for these signs in your own mirror—your happiness matters, too.)


Follow-up resource: Managing empathy as an educator

Empathy is a skill that requires management, not a free-for-all. Learn four strategies to help.


Casey Thompson Casey Thompson Digital Media Manager
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