Results Are In! Meet the Readers of Advancing K12 Results Are In! Meet the Readers of Advancing K12

Results Are In! Meet the Readers of Advancing K12

by Casey Thompson
Casey Thompson Casey Thompson Web & Digital Media Manager
Read time:

Thank you so much to the folks who filled out the Advancing K12 survey, sharing some insight into the subscribers and readers we work for.

Here are some key data points.

Who are you?

Oh tell me, who are you? (More on this generational representation later on 🤘🏼.) A huge range of roles showed up in this survey—yes, even students! No one skipped this question, but notable responses in the “other” category included HR coordinators, transportation pros, custodians, and more.

District level:
Administrators, CTOs, CFOs, business office, principals: 16% 

School level:
Teachers, support staff, IT staff, administrative assistants: 40%

Parents: 35%
Other (including students!): 8.8%


How big are your districts?

It looks as though 5,000 students and under is the “enrollment sweet spot” for Advancing K12 subscribers. Some large districts are represented, and small districts showed up as well, leading to a large range of population. No one skipped this question.

25,000+: 10%
10,000–25,000: 8.8%
5,000–10,000: 13.6%
1,000–5,000: 38.8%
Under 1,000: 28.6%

Which generations are represented?

Age is nothing but a number—we want to know what the vibes were like during your journey here on Earth. Each generation has something that makes them special, and all of them blend to form terrific teams. Here’s how things break down for Advancing K12 subscribers. Three of you skipped this question, so we’re going to assume you’re Gen X—the OG rebels.

Post war (1928–1945): 1
Baby boomers (1946–1964): 43
Gen X (1965–1980): 52
Millennials (1981–1996): 27
Gen Z (1997-2012): 21

How did you hear about Advancing K12?

Tons of readers joined us from the Skyward website, while a few of you aren’t quite sure how we met (we’re glad you’re here anyway!). About 20% of people skipped this question and your origins shall remain a mystery.

A friend recommended you: 14%
Skyward newsletter: 20%
Skyward website: 50%
Social media, another publication, or other (including not sure): 16%

How long have you subscribed to Advancing K12?

Congratulations to the 27% of people who have been with us for 5 years or more. Runners up at 1-4 years represent the majority with 42%. And finally, newcomers who subscribed within the past year make up 32%. Again, a decent chunk of readers elected to skip this question.

The big Q: Read or watch?

13% of you are all video all the time.

38% are readers through and through.

And 50% of y’all enjoy a healthy mix of both.

That’s all for now! Thanks as always for subscribing to Advancing K12 and for all you do for the lucky students in your lives.


Casey Thompson Casey Thompson Web & Digital Media Manager
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