7 Reasons Your SIS is the Cornerstone of Learning 7 Reasons Your SIS is the Cornerstone of Learning

7 Reasons Your SIS is the Cornerstone of Learning

by Casey Thompson
Casey Thompson Casey Thompson Web & Digital Media Manager
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Far from a utility just spinning in the background, your student information system holds a wealth of access, information, support, and tools to help school happen successfully from just about any location.


1. Communication

A close connection has never been more important—or trickier to manage. Your SIS provides a bridge between homes and schools, families and teachers, provided it includes messaging capabilities.

Messaging via SIS means teachers have a secure, private way to contact families without resorting to giving out their own mobile phone numbers. Make sure mobile access is available for both teachers and families since many families rely on smartphones for internet connection.


2. Data mining

An SIS is not just storing data, but also managing data and making it work for you. Use data mining capabilities to unearth insight for improvement, compare schools and classroom trends, and slash the time spent combing through records.


3. Monitoring progress in different schools

Are all your schools using the same systems, approaches, and methods? For many districts, particularly large ones, different schools may have unique programs in place. Compare and contrast the progress being made using different approaches to learn what might work at scale.


4. Manage remote learning

As virtual schools gain steam in districts nationwide, compare how students are progressing. Your SIS should integrate with your learning management system to provide a seamless experience for teachers keeping records as well. The data you see from your remote school records, compared with in-person classrooms, can provide clues about equity in virtual learning.


5. Whole-child wellness

Growing up is way more than grades and academics. Your SIS can help you track behavior trends (both challenges and positive behavior!). Sometimes behavior trends can provide an early heads-up that intervention is needed well before grades begin slipping. 

Next, tap your SIS to support school nursing staff as they track medications, medical procedures, and other interventions for students. Your SIS should also support your efforts to track COVID-19 exposures and quarantines.


6. Crucial attendance reporting

One disturbing trend over the last year is the millions of students who were not able to re-enroll in school. Chronic absenteeism was a problem before the pandemic and continues to impact students—and it sneaks up on families who believe students missing school for trips is innocent fun. Your SIS can not only flag worrisome trends early, but also help provide automatic attendance letter to notify families in time to intervene and change habits.


7. Mission support and staff development

These days, the recruitment and retention of high-performing teams has added more than a few worry lines to even the toughest admin team. Your SIS can stand out as a differentiator for prospective employees, especially if its capabilities cut down on tedious administrative tasks so teachers can maximize time spent connecting with and coaching students.

Once hired, your SIS doesn’t have to stop improving employee experiences. Use your SIS to track employee development, connect educators with high-quality professional development, and recognize staff for high performance. 

This high-level look at the possibilities your SIS holds is just the beginning. Any vendor worth their salt will be eager to share the details via training, professional development, and a robust help center for DIY questions. Reach out to your support staff today to ensure you’re up to speed on the latest SIS capabilities.

Follow-up resource: Keeping in touch with families

Here are 11 ways schools can reach out to engage parents and families.


Casey Thompson Casey Thompson Web & Digital Media Manager
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