Take the EdTech Careers Quiz Take the EdTech Careers Quiz

Take the EdTech Careers Quiz

by Casey Thompson
Casey Thompson Casey Thompson Digital Media Manager
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Your service in the education leadership field is invaluable, but it’s always fun to discover a new way to use your talents.

That’s where the EdTech Career Quiz comes in. This personality quiz offers fun insight into where your skills would fit best in an edtech company. There’s way more to edtech than programming—you could fit best in one of thirteen different departments, all crucial to developing software solutions designed to help K12 educators. In fact, a large population of edtech pros started out in education and pursued an edtech career after their tenure ended. 

Whether you’re looking for insight about your personality, hoping to validate your favorite skills, or just need a fun teambuilding activity, this quiz is for you.


Follow-up Resource: More personality insight

Take the EdLeader Personality Test to find out your leadership archetype.

Casey Thompson Casey Thompson Digital Media Manager
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