The Future-Ready Teachers Badge Group The Future-Ready Teachers Badge Group

The Future-Ready Teachers Badge Group

by Advancing K12 Staff
Advancing K12 Staff Advancing K12 Staff Edtech Thought Leaders
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Here at Advancing K12, we've spent some time looking into the evolution of professional development. One theme has consistently risen to the top: digital badging is the future. 

In our four-part Digital Badging Playbook video series, we outlined the steps needed to launch a digital badging program in your school or district. Now, thanks to our friends at Badge List, we've taken that concept one step further and launched a free, no-strings badge group for you to start using as a P.D. resource today. 

The Future-Ready Teachers badge group is based on all the concepts we've come to associate with future readiness, including personalized learning, digital citizenship, and data literacy. We'll review the submitted evidence and take care of issuing the badges; no need for you to do anything but learn, grow, and build your online portfolio.

*As an added bonus, teachers who earn three badges will be granted a free Badge List K-12 teacher account to use with students.  

Welcome Message

Courtesy of Badge List co-founder, Dr. Benjamin Roome


Badge Themes and Learning Pathways

  • Badging Boss: A very meta badge rewarded to teachers who use Badge List to create a badging program for students.
  • BlendEd Track (3 Tiers): This pathway is focused on the effective blending of technology into the classroom.
  • Data Magic Track (3 Tiers): Teachers will be pushed to use data to inform their instruction and personal growth.
  • Digital Media Track (3 Tiers): Teachers will be challenged to weave blogging, videos, and podcasts into lessons and communications.
  • Mentor Maestro: Because those who pay it forward should be rewarded for their efforts.
  • Model Citizen: For teachers who not only preach good digital citizenship, but model it in their own online presence.
  • Parent Engagement Track (3 Tiers): A learning pathway for teachers who want to improve classroom transparency and create consistent, personalized communication habits.
  • Seal of Authenticity: Because authentic learning is the best kind of learning.
  • Tweecher Track (3 Tiers): Because teachers who build personal learning networks on social media are more likely to display traits like innovation, collaboration, and ongoing reflection. 

How Do I Start? 

  1. Create an account on Badge List (to make this even easier, you can simply sign in with your Google account)
  2. Join the Future-Ready Teachers badge group
  3. Join the badge you want to pursue
  4. Complete the assigned tasks for said badge
  5. Submit evidence of completion
  6. Show off your new microcredentials
  7. Begin working toward your next badge

Ready to roll? Click here to join the Future-Ready Teachers badge group today


Advancing K12 Staff Advancing K12 Staff Edtech Thought Leaders
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