EdTech Playbook: Digital Badging EdTech Playbook: Digital Badging

EdTech Playbook: Digital Badging

by Advancing K12 Staff
Advancing K12 Staff Advancing K12 Staff Edtech Thought Leader
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The struggle is real.

Your teachers have boundless tools available to supplement their chosen instructional approach. Your administrators have all the performance data and student trends they need to make better decisions. Everyone who contributes to the organization has at least one process he or she could make more efficient through automation.
And yet, it remains exceedingly difficult to get the buy-in you need to get the most out of the technology at your disposal, let alone adopt anything new or different.
Digital badging represents the happy marriage of gamification and positive behavior recognition. There's a reason it's looking more and more like the future of professional development is finally here. In this first edition of the EdTech Playbook series, we'll offer up some ideas and resources to help you get your badging program off the ground. 


The Digital Badging Playbook

Step 1: Planning


Step 2: Issuing


Step 3: Administration


Step 4: Rollout



Low-Hanging Fruit

While every school district is unique, there are some universal professional development opportunities that can always use a little more attention. We've identified nine potential starting points for your badging program, from the classroom to the business office. Take a look.



***Bonus: The Future-Ready Teachers Badge Group

While the above resources should go a long way toward helping you get off the ground with your badge program, we've also taken things one step further by partnering with Badge List to build a free, no-strings-attached badge group for future-ready teachers. Now, you can reap the benefits of digital badging for teacher professional development without having to dedicate any time or resources of your own. Anyone can join, submit their evidence of mastery, and start building a head-turning portfolio. Head on over, take a look, and start sending your teachers our way. 


Advancing K12 Staff Advancing K12 Staff Edtech Thought Leader
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