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3 Conversations to Follow in 2025 3 Conversations to Follow in 2025
Featured Article 3 Conversations to Follow in 2025 #Leadership Each year we predict big topics for the following year in K12 schools. This year, changes to the DOE, increased parent engagement, and academic recovery. Read Article
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What K12 Leaders Can Learn from Chefs Looking for wisdom in unusual places? Look no further than your local restaurant kitchen. #Leadership by Erin Werra

3 Conversations to Follow in 2025 Each year we predict big topics for the following year in K12 schools. This year, changes to the DOE, increased parent engagement, and academic recovery. #Leadership by Erin Werra

How Maslow's Inspiration Informs K12 Leadership How self-actualization happens in the Siksika tribe, whose way of life inspired Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. #Leadership by Erin Werra

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